About the One Health Intellectual Exchange Series

This interdisciplinary course will introduce the concept of One Health as an increasingly important approach to a holistic understanding of the prevention of disease and the maintenance of both human and animal health. The list of topics will include a discussion of bidirectional impact of animal health on human health, the impact of earth’s changing ecology on health, issues of food and water security and preparedness, and the benefits of comparative medicine. Learning objectives include 1) to describe how different disciplines contribute to the practice of One Health, 2) to creatively design interdisciplinary interventions to improve Global Health using a One Health model, and 3) to interact with One Health-relevant professionals in the Triangle and beyond. The course aims to include students from Duke, UNC and NC State from diverse disciplines relevant to One Health, including: human medicine, veterinary medicine, environmental science, public health, global health, public policy, and others.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Health Intellectual Exchange 2011 Session 3 (Jan. 25): A Tale of Two Species: Co-evolution and Domestication of Dogs and People with Dr. Alan Beck

The One Health Intellectual Exchange "Philosophy to Practical Integration of Human, Animal and Environmental Health", an IEG discussion series, is sponsored by the Triangle Global Health Consortium One Health Collaborative. It is designed to enhance collaborations between physicians, veterinarians, researchers and other local / global health professionals by increasing public awareness of the interconnectedness of people, animals and the environment.

Session 3: Jan 25, 2011: A Tale of Two Species: Co-evolution and Domestication of Dogs and People
Domestication of the dog involves both humans and dogs developing together. One can guess that some of the earliest reasons for dog domestication were practical; dogs were guardians, were sentinels for the presence of other humans or animals, perhaps to be used to captured or restrained prey species, and perhaps to be eaten themselves when necessary. When looking at domestication as a naturally occurring event, and not simply artificial selection, it is very possible that dogs were, first and foremost created to be the companions of their creators and significantly influenced the survival and culture of human beings. The presentation will discuss the mechanisms of domestication, the hypothesis of the dog-human pack; mastering and loving, and the implication of domestication for humans and animals.
Featuring speaker/discussion leader Dr. Alan Beck, Director, Center of the Human - Animal Bond and Dorothy N. McAllister Professor of Animal Ecology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University

Suggested readings for this session are referenced below and Dr. Beck's bio is attached:
1. Darcy F. Morey. 1994. The early evolution of the domestic dog American Scientist

2. Driscoll CA, Macdonald DW, O’Brien SJ. 2009. From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication. PNAS. 106:9971-9978, June 16.

3. Brian Hare, Michelle Brown, Christina Williamson, Michael Tomasello. 2002. The domestication of social cognition in dogs. Science. 298(November 22):1634- 1636.

4. Lyudmila N. Trut, 1999. Early canid domestication: the farm-fox experiment. American Scientist 87(2): 160-166. [the work of Dmitry Belyaev]

5.  DK Belyaev, 1979. Destabilizing selection as a factor in domestication The Journal of Heredity 70:301-308. [the original study]

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